Even when Dogwood was in pain, he was still giving his parents kisses so they will not worry about him. He hates to see his parents cry, especially if they cry because of him. Dogwood always tries to make his parents feel better, even when he, himself was not feeling well.

A couple moved to a van with their dogs so they can travel with each other more. They went on nonstop adventures together. They did not know that everything was going to change.

Their dog, Dogwood got hit by a car, and they rushed him immediately to an emergency clinic, but when they got there, it has been six hours since the hit. The vet informed them that Dogwood only has less than 10% chance of survival, and they held on to that percentage.

If there was a dog who was going to survive and beat the odds, it was Dogwood. The couple stayed with him and never left his side. They would lay down on the ground with him while holding his paws.

They wanted him to know that they are there for him every step of the way. Dogwood is alive. He is alive but will be paralyzed for the rest of his life.

The staff from the clinic encouraged the couple to remind him of what he is fighting for, so the couple parked the van outside, and they would bring Dogwood outside. Dogwood even gets to see his brother. Everything was to remind him that what he was experiencing was only temporary, and eventually, he will be on the road with them again.

Dogwood is such a warrior that he not only recovered, but he was also able to walk on all fours again! This fighter is now back on the road with his family. He is a miracle!

Source The Dodo via YouTube


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